Thursday, May 30, 2013

Summer 2013

Summmmmmeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Only 16 days left until my best summer ever begins.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Advice for Highschool

Some advice my parents gave me for Highschool is:
-Never put yourself into situaions that can end badly.
-Make good choices.
-Work hard!
-Stay involved.
-Don't listen to peer pressure.
-Have fun :)
-Make lots of memories.

I think this is all good advise that everyone should listen to and use! :) Even though I'm extremely nervous for Highschool, I think it will be a lot of fun! :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

School In A Perfect World!(absent)

I enjoy school sometimes.. but I have many changes that would make school a perfect world for me!
First of all I don't think school should start so early. Many kids of chores that have to get done causing them to get up even earlier. If kids weren't so tired, I think they would be able to pay more attention and learn more. Second, since we have to sit so long, I think the chairs and atmosphere of classrooms should be more comfortable. The chairs should have cushions and foot rests and the classrooms should have couches, blankets and pillows. It would also be nice if we were aloud to eat in class and use our cell phones. Lastly I think our school needs way more consequences for bullying. Never have I ever once seen something being done about a bully. If all of these things took place that would be school in a perfect world for me!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Be Brave For Bob.

Yesterday I got a call from my grandparents saying that they were in California. I was very confused because we usually all go down at the same time to visit family and go to Disneyland. They then continued to tell me that while my Uncle Bob was on his trip in England he became very sick and was rushed to the hospital. There they diagnosed him with pneumonia, kept him for a few days while he recovered and flew him back home to a Californian hospital. After doing more tests they diagnosed him with a very aggressive case of  Leukemia. My grandparents drove down there to spend time with him before he got even more sick from being treated with chemo therapy. Soon he will become very sick and unable to see visitors so my family and I will be driving down to either help him through this long and painful recovery.... or say our finale goodbyes. That's really hard to think about... how one day you can be fine and the next your life could be over. If you see me crying in the next few days or even weeks... this will probably be why. I haven't spent much time with him... which I regret whole heartedly. Uncle Bob I know you can fight this.... I love you.
*Be Brave For Bob*

Monday, May 6, 2013

I believe I am...

I believe I am strong... No not muscle strong....It's a different type of strong that everyone has, but needs help finding. Everybody finds this "strength" through their own, usually difficult, experiences. I know it sounds harsh, but it's true. Everything we experience changes us, either for the better or for the worse. Every bad experience that I've had has changed me for the better... I found my strength with every tear I shed, every word I said, and every smile and laugh I made. Weather you find your strength from bullies, the loss of a loved one, or anything that hurts.. anything that affects you will help you find your strength. So just know you are strong.. maybe you haven't found it yet, but you will.
I believe you are strong.